I would give up all my nights and days.
Only for you
I would fix all my mistakes.
Because of you
I have my breath filled with love each night.
Because of you
I can soft the pain inside.
For you I'll stay,
I'll put away
all the bad things that surround us,
I will be good for you, you'll see,
just like you have been to me.
Only for you,
I gotta hold on my feet on the ground.
Only for you,
I can feel that I can touch the sky.
Because of you,
my hate and rage are nowhere to be found.
Because of you,
I'd do anything and I still try...
For you I'll stay,
I'll put away
all the bad things that surround us,
I will be good for you, you'll see,
just like you have been to me.
For you I'll stay,
I'll put away
all the bad things that surround us,
I will be good for you, you'll see,
just like you have been to me.
Mi segundo intento con una letra mía en inglés. La primera fue una adaptación también de otra canción mía en español, "Retorno", pero desafortunadamente perdí esa letra, así que considerad ésta como mi primera letra oficial en inglés. La canción se llama "For You I'll Stay" (su versión en español, "Sólo por ti"), es una de las canciones del grupo "Hay un polizón en el barco". Podéis oír un adelanto de su instrumental en la cuenta de SoundCloud de mi mejor amigo, Kiko Roy: www.soundcloud.com/kikoroy.
Buscad "LK!" y lo encontraréis ;)